Seed Corn
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History of the SCGO

The Seed Corn Growers of Ontario (SCGO) came into existence as the Ontario Seed Corn Growers’ Marketing Board on December 19, 1940 under “The Farm Products Control Act”.  The local board was given the power to control the marketing of seed corn production in Ontario and to regulate its sale. In addition to these powers and duties, the board was also assigned the authority to stimulate, increase and improve the marketing of Ontario seed corn. More than 80 years later our focus and objectives adhere to these original responsibilities.

The SCGO currently operates under the authority provided by the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Act, Regulation 427 and 428. The SCGO represents approximately 200 seed corn growers in Ontario in negotiations with the seed corn production companies to assure that all growers are treated fairly in their dealings with the individual companies. The SCGO is the vehicle that allows individual growers to be more equally represented in marketplace decision-making. The SCGO Board acts as a negotiating agency only; it does not have the ability to set price, control production volume, or import/export. The SCGO has no control over where or with whom in Ontario the seed corn companies choose to do business. It is not a vehicle to restrict commerce or trade. The SCGO is simply responsible to fairly represent the growers while providing sufficient economic incentives to processing companies to continue to have seed produced by growers in Ontario.

The SCGO acts as the voice of growers. Directors are elected on a three-year rotating basis, at the producers’ annual meeting. Although contract negotiations are the number one priority, the Board also has the responsibility to take an active part in the agricultural community, supporting efforts to improve and protect the conditions for Ontario farmers, in particular any efforts that may affect seed corn producers.


Representing over 200 growers in Southwestern Ontario Learn More